fountain pens, paper, and ink

An AI Ink Name Creator

2024-05-26 Edd Wilder-James

Have you ever dreamt of creating your own unique line of fountain pen inks? Ever wished you could capture the essence of a color in a single, evocative name? Well, now you can!

Introducing the Ink Name Creator, your personal ink AI, ready to help you find the perfect name for your next masterpiece. Simply pick your favorite color and a theme that inspires you—nature, the seasons, emotions, holidays, or something else entirely. The AI will then work its magic, serving up a list of creative names tailored to your choices.

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Ink Review: Taccia Hokusai Sabimidori

2020-01-20 Edd Wilder-James

Taccia Hokusai Sabimidori is an incredibly expressive teal ink. “Sabi midori” translates to “rust green”, which accurately describes the mix of the ink’s sheen and underlying shade.

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I’ve been obsessed with this ink for nearly a month now, since getting a sample in December, and immediately deciding I wanted to order a bottle!

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Ink Review: Diamine Purple Scribble

2020-01-04 Edd Wilder-James

You can find lots written about inks, their qualities, and how they work on different papers. There are some very talented reviewers, such as Mountain of Ink, who do a much better job than I could. What I can do is tell you how an ink feels to me.

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Diamine Scribble Purple is a private pleasure. So saturated it’s nearly black, and at first you wonder if it’s worth it. The deep royal purple comes out when you take a second look at your writing. It’s the subtlety that appeals to me.

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Pen pops

2019-07-08 Edd Wilder-James

One of the fun things about stationery as a hobby is picking up nuggets of trivia. Here’s a selection of pen facts I’ve learned recently, about Pelikan, OMAS, Noodler’s, Pilot, and more.

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